The Wellness Diary

Insights, advice, new research, tips and tricks, and new resources to help you with your mental health journey.

#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

High Functioning Anxiety: How To Live With It

People with high functioning anxiety experience many typical symptoms of anxiety, such as excessive worry and fear, overthinking, and poor sleep. Effective treatment is available for all types of anxiety. This article provides an overview of high functioning anxiety, its symptoms, and the potential treatment options.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

The Golden Years: Making The Good Times Count

More than any other age group, seniors could perhaps benefit the most from regularly participating in a favorite hobby. As it turns out, research has shown a correlation between hobbies, life’s purpose, and a longer lifespan - particularly in individuals over the age of 65 years.

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

The Power Of Projection: When You Can't See The Truth

Projection is a powerful thing. Probably one of the most powerful psychological and emotional qualities that sets humans apart from other animals. We project our thoughts onto paper and create stories, songs, and poetry. We project our ideas and create incredible inventions and we project our hearts deepest wishes, desires, pain onto others and relationships, all without even consciously realizing it. 

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#blog Sandra Kushnir #blog Sandra Kushnir

Coping With A Loss: What To Expect And How To Recover

Going through the stages of grief can be one of the most mentally, spiritually and physically draining emotional experiences we go through as humans.  The loss of a person, relationship or a significant aspect of your life can trigger feelings that are so powerful and overwhelming, you may not know how to cope with them. 

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