Beacon Counseling.

A therapist conducting a session at Meridian Counseling, offering therapy services in-network with Beacon Insurance, in a calm and supportive setting.

More than 50 Beacon Therapists are Available in California.

Leverage your Beacon insurance to access budget-friendly therapy solutions nearby, through Meridian Counseling Services. Book your appointment today with a therapist who is in-network with Beacon. Explore our vast array of licensed mental health professionals and find the ideal therapist to help improve your mental health and well-being!

Beacon Counseling Services.

  • At Meridian Counseling, we're thrilled to announce our in-network partnership with Beacon, providing individual therapy services completely covered by your insurance. This partnership guarantees cost-effective and customized mental health support for our clients, thanks to Beacon Insurance's comprehensive coverage within their therapy network throughout California

  • Meridian Counseling provides couples therapy sessions completely covered by Beacon Insurance, inviting you to enhance your relationships through affordable sessions. Our experts, based in California, focus on fostering better communication and intimacy, all under the comprehensive coverage of Beacon Insurance. Embark on your journey towards deeper connections with the guidance of our skilled couples therapists, thanks to Beacon's in-network marriage counseling services!

  • Meridian Counseling offers family and child therapy services fully covered by Beacon Insurance, designed to fortify family bonds with cost-effective, professional guidance. Our therapists, specializing in family and child therapy across California, are committed to delivering customized support that meets your family's unique needs. Leverage our broad coverage and in-network partnership with Beacon Insurance by enrolling today.

  • Meridian Counseling offers group therapy sessions via the Beacon Network, promoting healing and growth in a supportive group setting. Benefit from collective wisdom and professional guidance, all readily available thanks to our in-network status with Beacon Insurance. Experience the power of shared journeys and specialized support, fully covered by Beacon Insurance benefits in California.

  • Meridian Counseling offers comprehensive psychiatry services, blending traditional and complementary methods for a holistic approach to mental health care. With Beacon Insurance coverage, clients in California can affordably access our holistic psychiatry services for a balanced path to wellness. Start your holistic health journey with our support, underpinned by Beacon Insurance.

  • Meridian Counseling offers an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) fully covered by Beacon Insurance, tailored for individuals seeking more comprehensive support beyond traditional therapy sessions. Enjoy our well-organized, extensive care at a budget-friendly price, facilitated by vetted and qualified mental health professionals. Begin your dedicated path to recovery with our IOP services, in-network with Beacon.

Beacon of Hope Counseling Near me.

Find an in-network therapist through Beacon at Meridian Counseling, streamlining your access to exceptional mental health services. Meridian boasts a wide selection of licensed therapists, simplifying the process of finding the right professional for your specific needs, from individual counseling to targeted medication management for issues such as anxiety and depression. Enjoy the ease of discovering the ideal Beacon Counseling in-network therapy service with us, and take a positive step towards a more rewarding and healthier lifestyle.