Meridian Counseling

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Clarity: The Quest


Written for Meridian Counseling by Dr. Joanne Royer.

I was reminding myself of some of the main reasons why women come to me for coaching.

One of the top 3 reasons given is their need for clarity.

Clarity around a circumstance they find themselves in, a decision they need to make, clarity around their thinking, clarity regarding their emotions, etc.

When faced with any of the above, what keeps you in a state of brain fog is your thoughts that take up space in  your mind. If you could look into your mind, it probably would resemble a cobweb - one thought inter-twined with another, connected to another. Who would feel clear with all of that going on? The more you think about what to do, where to step, what direction to take, the less clear you become.

Why? Because you may start out with a clear way of thinking until your inner critic gets hold of it and creates a bit of self-doubt. To complicate things a bit more, you then contend with all the feelings that come up. If they were feelings of rainbows and smiles, you would be clear to step into action.

If I were coaching you, I would ask you what your thinking is and the feeling that is connected to it. Chances are the feeling is less than comforting. Then I would ask you, what action does that feeling drive you to take?  The #1 action response hands down is - NOTHING. 


Then I would ask you, what is the result of your inaction, your stagnation, your standing still in thought and the presumed safety of your indecisiveness?


Your brain likes you to stay confused. Why? Because it feels safer that way. Most of us who are unclear, feel uncomfortable to step into a choice, a decision.

Here's what I know, so plan accordingly:

When you make a decision, you won't feel clear. Most likely you will start second-guessing yourself. Your inner critic will start talking to you. You will doubt your decision.

I also know:

As you take one step forward, one small baby step of action, although uncomfortable, you've started to shape your result. And each step leads you into clarity.

Are You Ready For Some Great News?

If you want to change, and a path to get you there, you need me.  I will ask you the kind of questions you aren’t asking yourself and help you gain clarity and take action toward your goals.  Our work will be action-focused, balanced between talk and tangible “takeaway” tools and techniques you can utilize after you leave our calls. By the end of our work each week, you will feel empowered, confident and capable.

I invite you to schedule a no-cost, no obligation 30-minute call as your first step to explore working together.

*** Dr. Joanne Royer is the founder and owner of Change Agent & Associates, an online, psychologically sophisticated coaching practice, teaching people to get into their minds in order to get out of their way.            888.748.4464