Episode 39: Intuitive vs. Mindful Eating


In this episode I meet with the lovely Robyn Goldberg, a registered dietician to discuss the difference between intuitive vs. mindful eating. Robyn explains how she teaches her client’s tool on intuitive eating and shares some insight on the importance of working with a registered dietician rather than a nutritionist


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Robyn L. Goldberg, RDN, CEDRD, INC. Private Practice.  Robyn began her career at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles as the in-patient dietitian in the Department of Cardiology. Over the last twenty one years she has developed her own private practice in Beverly Hills, CA, where she specializes in medical conditions, disordered eating, eating disorders, Health at Every Size, intuitive eating and pre-pregnancy nutrition. Robyn promotes opportunity to excel in developing a new perspective with food in association with several medical groups. She serves as a Nutrition Consultant for the Celiac Disease Foundation.  For the last eight years Robyn was the Nutritional Therapist for the Susan Krevoy Eating Disorders Program at Wright Institute Los Angeles was a consultant for Panda Restaurant Group and teaches the nutrition classes for the Motion Picture Wellness Program. Currently Robyn is the Director of Nutrition Service for The Control Center, an addiction IOP, where she sees all the eating disorder patients.  She is a contributing author and is a nationally known registered dietitian nutritionist. She has been quoted in The New York Times, The Huffington Post, The Fix, Shape Magazine, Fitness, Oxygen, Pilates Style, Diabetes Forecast, BH Weekly and Life & Style.  She has been on national television as the eating disorder expert on The Insider.  Robyn has a body image and eating disorder group at several addiction centers in Los Angeles.


Episode 40: Understanding Commitment Phobia


Episode 38: Re-Connecting and Finding Each Other Again